Resources, Tips and Content for Children's Ministry and Family Life Leaders

Bible Story Prep

When preparing to tell a Bible story, use this simple worksheet to ensure that you know the story accurately, are ready to include details to make it interesting and are working toward comprehension and application by narrowing the focus to one key point.  For more detailed instruction, read How To Tell A Bible Story (part 1)  and (part 2).




SMART Goals can help you improve your ministry and get Better Before Bigger. Once you’ve clarified what you want or need to do and have evaluated where you are, write SMART Goals to help you get there.


Family Life Assessment Form

Need to evaluate your program? Here’s a great assessment tool. It allows you to capture feedback from staff, family life team members, youth pastors, children’s ministry leaders, volunteers, parents, newbies and guests. You can score your entire program altogether or better yet, break groups down into areas of participation and get a detailed look at each ministry. Once you’ve discovered your strengths and weaknesses, write SMART Goals and work your way toward becoming Better Before Bigger.

Family Life Assessment

How To Tell A Bible Story (Part 2)

Now that you’ve done the prep work, you’re ready to begin stacking up your key ingredients to stonepile the story.

Begin by Laying a Solid foundation.

Show your audience where the story is found in the Bible. Open up the pages, read the reference, and let them know this is a part of history, written down by God-inspired men so that we may know what the Lord has done, remember His faithfulness and learn how to live. [Read more…]

How To Tell A Bible Story (Part 1)

When telling a Bible story, it’s important to maintain the integrity of the text, know the point you want to communicate, and diligently prepare so that you can fully engage your listeners. You’ll find a simple story prep worksheet in the “give-aways” section that will help you follow the steps below.

1. Read the story from the Bible.
Pre-read the story at least three times so that you know exactly what the Bible does and does not say. If you have a study Bible, follow the trail of cross-references to get a bigger picture. Know where the story comes in the timeline of history. Know who wrote it, where they lived, and what was happening in that era, culture and circumstance.

2. Decide upon one key point.
Determine the one point you want to drive home with your listeners. Turn the point into a catch phrase or sentence that is memorable and repeatable if possible. [Read more…]

Better Before Bigger

It should always be our goal to get better. After all, we work for the God of the universe who is creative and loves excellence. In fact, our efforts are just another way to honor Him, offer praise and glorify His Name. Becoming “Bigger” does not have to be the goal of our efforts, but according to the Bible, it tends to be a natural result for those who are faithful with what has been entrusted to them. (Matthew 25:14-28, The Parable of the Talents)

In their first season of real serious competition, Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-fil-A, challenged his staff, stating, “If we get better, our customers will demand that we get bigger.” This became the organization’s new strategy allowing them to beat out the competition and increase their sales numbers significantly. [Read more…]

Why Stonepile Studios?

The name “Stonepile” represents a moment in history when God instructed Joshua to pile 12 stones to create a monument. The monument was to be a reminder to the people of Israel to tell their children what God had done for them so that they, too, might know His power and put their faith in Him.

“Studios” refers to the workplaces of artists. Although I don’t consider myself to be an artist in the true sense of the word, I believe retelling stories is an art form. When retelling the stories of the Bible, care should be taken to ensure accuracy, enhance engagement and encourage life change on the part of the listener. [Read more…]